21 April 2010

The Ten Things Meme

Taken from Making Strange

1. Favorite hobby

image by gizzypooh

2. Favorite TV show

Big Love

Image from spaceperson.net

3. Favorite restaurant food

image by steamykitchen

4. Favorite thing to shop for

Orla Kiely

image by Beth Maher

5. Favorite animal

image from cuteoverload

6. Favorite song

7. Favorite word


image from BBC North and South

8. Recent Favorite YouTube video

9. Favorite movie

10. Favorite childhood memory

Gingerly perched atop the soft, yellow leather seats of my best friend’s father’s Jaguar, our heads out the sunroof, as he drove wildly around a curvaceous, lakeside road and up towards their cabin.

image from Dave the Haligonian


Amy said...

Good links - I love Kate Bush!!

I remain unconvinced about Anti Christ though... haven't seen it ... it frightens me!!


Friday Films said...

It frightens me too - in a good way!